
Waxing Unit

Novatec's Waxing Unit is suitable for applying wax to your porducts.

Technical Description

The Waxing Unit is a dry brushing unit with special type pexcrin brushes, for the ideal application of the wax on your fruits.

Technical Features:

  • Metal structure which has been properly welded and treated with three layers of polyurethane varnish with internal parts in Stainless Steel AISI 304
  • Series of natural soft hair brushes for waxing and polishing
  • Set of nozzles and proportioning pump to sprinkle wax on the fruits
  • Wax spraying system with reciprocating movement for even application of the material (wax)
  • Manual device for product extraction
  • Backwater tank in galvanized metal
  • Main drive by means of proper gear motor and electronic speed variation (Inverter)


Can Handle:
Category: Waxing
Novatec Engineering designs and manufactures complete solutions for post-processing and packaging. We can provide with the best technical solutions for the handling, processing and packaging of your fruits and vegetables